Reacties van deelnemers
We organiseren onboarding sessies met het Yes!-gevoel voor verschillende organisaties. Het is onze ambitie om zoveel mogelijk mensen in hun nieuwe baan een warm welkom vol verbinding te geven. We zijn op weg naar de 25.000 🥰.
Wat vinden de deelnemers ervan? Je leest hier!
How I can contribute
This session helped me understand how I can contribute, which makes it easier to fill out my grow, something that I've been putting off for a month now.
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding #10
The best onboarding session
A lot of attention had gone into the set-up and execution of this onboarding. It's been the best onboarding session I have had so far. I liked the break-out room structure, presentations and attempt at interaction
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding #10.
Well organized!
Well organized! I liked the personal aspect of it, during the teams sessions. Room for connection. Well presented. Overal very happy with the session!
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding #9
It was enganging, many topics were covered but it did’nt feel rushed, nice mix of larger group and break out discussions.
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding #8
Je had direct een klik
What did you like about this onboarding?
Afwisseling tussen plenair en groep
Match obv gezamelijke interesse, je had direct een klik.
Ik kon 2 uur lang mijn aandacht erbij houden, nooit eerder gehad.
Deellemer Rabobank Online Onboarding #8
I felt I was heard
I liked the way it really concentrated on myself, I felt I was heard and made to feel part of an overall team. Also, it gave me a good understanding as to what the Bank's values and behaviours are and how mine fit into it!
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding #8
Enorm waardevol
Erg leuke en interactieve manier om de strategie en historie van de bank beter te begrijpen. Daarnaast enorm waardevol om collega's van andere afdelingen te ontmoeten!
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding sessie #8
Attention to details
Attention to details, like Onboarding Technical setup, attempt by the host to make the online environment as friendly & easy to use (detailed instructions). Most important, the content was to the point!
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding sessie #7
Creative concept
Creative concept, well-organized, nice to be team up with people you share certain interests with.
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding sessie #7
Genoeg afwisseling
Genoeg afwisseling. Best boeiend voor een online event. Ook leuk die groepsfoto. Maakt het luchtig.
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding sessie #7
It was quite engaging, and interesting to hear the stories of other newcomers, learn about their backgrounds, and how they cope with the current situation (due to the corona pandemic).
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding sessie #6
Really professionals
Usage of the communication tools of the whole suite of Office365. The persons who were in charge of the meeting are really professionals.
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding #6
Nice mix
Great organization online. Nice mix of work and private discussions (who you are/how you want to grow)
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding sessie #6
Het switchen tussen plenair en je team. Hierdoor was het informatief en interactief. Het plenaire zag er professioneel uit doordat er gebruik gemaakt is van de studio. Ook het online platform vond ik leuk incl. de voorbereiding (mooie aanloop).
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding sessie #5
Nice and funny
We got to know people from our organisation. We had some time (not that much, but good enough) to get to know each other. The assistants were nice and funny. Jill is a very good host and she made our conversations flow in a very comfortable way. Thank you!
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding sessie #5
Well presented
Interactive (discussions in small groups) and well presented by the two main hosts - they did a good job in conveying the message in a fun way in my opinion.
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding sessie #5
Practice what you preach
Attention for new colleagues, it is the practice what you preach.
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding sessie #4
Switching between small group and the large group, doing small assignments with the small group.
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding sessie #4
Motivating exciting people
It was really good organised with motivating exciting people. I liked that I met people at the same phase with me and I also learned a bit about Rabobank.
Deelnemer Rabobank Online Onboarding sessie #4
Heel knap!
Top hoe dit digitaal in elkaar gestoken is, heel knap!
Deelnemer HU Kick-startdag Online Sessie #2