'The Art of Gathering' - 9 lessen voor verbindende Onboarding Events
Concentreer je op de behoefte van de deelnemers én zorg dat de bijeenkomst helpt om op een persoonlijke manier met elkaar in contact te komen.
Onze top 5 inzichten van Onboard Amsterdam 2022
Onboard Amsterdam 2022 was niet alleen heel erg gaaf, we hebben ook veel nieuwe inzichten opgedaan. Onze top 5?
Ranking de onboarding voor een Nederlandse zorgverzekeraar
Afgelopen week mocht ik het onboardingprogramma van een grote Nederlandse zorgverzekeraar onder de loep nemen.
8 Learnings of Onboard Week that set you up for success
Onboard Week 2020 was awesome. Reading back through my daily blogs I believe that these 8 learnings set you up for success.
Onboard Week day 5 – High trust leads to a higher profitability
Today was the closing day of Onboard Week. And we went out with a bang! The topic for this all ladies line up was reboarding and remote onboarding. Here are my 11 learnings for you!
Onboard Week day 4 – Culture is our key to success
Day 4 was a party. WOHOO! In the preparations to Onboard Week I had big expectations of day 4 and I was not disappointed. Below my 14 learning from day 4 for you.
Onboard Week day 3 - The human connection is a competitive advantage
Today was the third day of Onboard Week and the topic was Personal Onboarding. Both speakers value their people really high and make use of the management system of self-organisation. My 12 learnings of day 3 for you.
Onboard Week day 2 - The time is NOW to start Preboarding
The second day of Onboard Week was dedicated to Preboarding. I share my 10 learnings of Onboard Week day 2 with you.
7 Learnings from Onboard.Week DAY 1
Day 1 of Onboard.Week is a wrap! We have seen some wonderful interactions at the table between our guests. From all the learnings that were going back ond forth we selected these to share with you.
Virtual Onboard.Week 2020! What to expect?
Inspiration to the max! – that is my promise to you. If you follow the program daily from 10-12 AM (CET) you will find a world of ideas and examples to implement directly in your own onboarding program.
30 insights and 3 actions to take your onboarding process to the next level
On November 28th was the spectacular 3nd edition of Onboard.Amsterdam. With our Yes! We Connect team we tried to gather as many useful insights as possible. We harvested 30 insights and 3 action to take your onboarding process to the next level.
What is The Future of Work really about?
What is the future of work really about? We have been perceiving organizations as machines. And we still lead them as machines. Trying to control it. But the reality is that organisations are a lot more like living breathing organisms that change all the time.
8 Onboarding tips and 1 blind spot
November 29th Onboard.Amsterdam. We have analysed the stories and come up with 8 onboarding tips for and 1 blind spot.
7 >> Versnellers voor Employee Engagement
Betrokken medewerkers zijn gelukkiger en dragen meer bij. Maar wat is daarvoor nodig? Bekijk de 7 Versnellers voor employee engagement.
The Future of Work
Vorige week waren we bij de Talk van Alain de Botton van The School of Life Amsterdam over The Future of Work. Hij betoogde dat het op ons werk vaak een gekkenhuis is. Herkenbaar, toch? Zijn frisse, andere en humorvolle kijk op de toekomst van werk zet ons in ieder geval aan het denken. Check onze verzameling quotes en ideeën uit zijn betoog ter inspiratie.